Building Defects – A Delivery Model

Building defects, delivery models, defects scenario matrix, dr jon drane

Building Defects – A Delivery Model. The model we are currently developing is called the Defects Scenario Matrix which shows a likely risk of defects for a proposed ( or completed development). It works on the concept of comparing traditional delivery systems to current delivery systems and structures. Here is the latest graphic which is a work in process.

The Matirx was spurred initially by Jonathan’s invited attendance as a speaker at the Griffith University  Strata and Community Title in Australia for the 21st Century 2015 Conference

Understanding Defects: An historical perspective

Defects have plagued buildings for decades if not longer, and no more so than in the post war era of the private developer and with the emergence of the ‘design and construct’ project- the sister act of development as a private system of creation of our titled buildings.

Although many D&C projects are created with minimal defects, the practice of D&C and its evolution out of the previous Architect and Master Builder era, has a large part to play.

This paper takes us through a brief history lesson including the emergence of private property development and D&C in the post-WWII era, and the associated vulnerability of standards of construction across professions and regulatory systems. The erosion of the regulatory process, both professional and authority-based, is also revealed in the emergence of private certification and the dilemma of the slippery deal. The end product of such a system is illustrated with a ‘horror’ case example of one of its offspring.

Finally a ‘Defects Scenario Matrix’ is put forward for ways to keep a handle on defects on the D&C project based on a review of the horror case example and then a case example with a low defects regime.

Read Jonathan’s paper:

Drane 2015- Defects A Builders View

Dr Jonathan Drane