A Decade of Dangerous Building Defects in Apartment Towers Since Bankstown 2012. How far have we come nationally and internationally with solving dangerous defects in apartment towers?
Please take time to review our chronology video starting with Bankstown then Grenfell and ending with Champlain.
Dr Jon Drane has followed the horrors of dangerous building defects over a decade, starting with the Bankstown incident in 2012 where two girls were forced to jump from a balcony due to a faulty fire door! One girl did not survive the fall.
A decade of dangerous building defects
Then watching the Grenfell disaster which was caused by flammable cladding was a turning point for Dr Jon. His working life had been spent in the high rise construction and property development sector with tier one builders and developers like Leighton Contractors and CRI.
Then watching the survivable tragedy of Champlain Tower in Miami, where family residents died in their sleep, this was too much for the world to bear.
Property Developer Culture
Dr Jon’s doctoral research (2011 to 2015) into City and Property Development Processes focused on property developer culture and how there were few barriers to entry to dodgy property developers, who were really just land traders with no long term interest in the long term interest of apartment owners.
Please support our Defects Dilemma research project which was started in 2015 and keeps watch on events so that we don’t forget.
#dangerousdefects #buildingdefects #defectsdilemma
The Defects Dilemma. Solving dangerous defects in apartment towers
Expert Triage Solving Complex Construction Cases:
Building Defects: How they can be avoided- City Development Processes
Summary: Dr Jon Drane creates a research initiative that investigates dangerous building defects in the apartment tower industry. The industry is suffering from corrupt property developer practices. Dr Drane provides models on how to rectify defects from the top down through better delivery systems and city development processes.
Defects a Builders View, Dr Jon Drane, building defects, city development processes

Research Sites – Jonathan Drane
Google Scholar Profile Jonathan Drane
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A Teaching Framework for City Development Processes
Dr Jon Drane provided a framework for understanding City Development Processes and more recently updated this to include the concept of Place Economy and Property Development Dynamics. See youtube video below and his Faster Class offering for professional development in Property Development.
Advocating for Professionalisation of Property Development
The property development industry is experiencing the continued entry of untrained, non professional players. There are very low barriers to entry to the world of property development. The result has been the rise of poor quality buidings and the horrors of the past decade of dangerous defects.
Dr Drane is advocating for the creation of a doctorate in ‘city and property development processes’ that supports the improvement of professional recognition and credentialing of property developers. See our youtube video on A Decade of Dangerous Defects which includes the tragedies of the decade.