The invisible property developer, Dr Jin Drane, property developer culture, city and property development processes.The invisible property developer.

The Developer Bond and The Invisible Property Developer: The current attempts to legislate for a ‘developer bond’ to provide security to multi-apartment strata schemes is in the process of being finalised.

Forums run by the Office of Fair Trading to canvass such an initiative have been met with strong resistance by the builder and developer arena.

Limits of the Developer Bond

The former because they are already seeing the developer bond being passed on into their building contracts on top of the existing defects liability provision which provides some protection to the developer/client from defects arising during construction.

The latter because the developers see it as a double impost which they have to fund. The end result is that it will in many cases be passed on to the increased price of the apartment.

The tragedy that caused the developer bond

As I observe these ruminations, I cant help but remember why this all came about. One of the emotional triggers or markers was the terrible case of the young girls who were forced to jump off their apartment balcony to escape a fire in their apartment. One girl died in this process, a great tragedy. Her story should not be in vain.

The developer bond will not necessarily solve this nor solve the problems in buildings that are built by builder/developers who operate in the apartment developments schemes that are above 3 levels and below 25meters ( need sprinklers if greater).

Whilst house building is licensed, these apartments are not. This leaves the delivery in some cases to people who call themselves developers but who are not licensed nor qualified to build such developments.

The invisible property developer

To add to this, property developers who know what they are doing will always create a special purpose legal entity to run the project through. Such a vehicle may have no funds nor balance sheet and be sacrificial in nature.

The originating human developer who operates through these entities is virtually invisible to the whole process. Hidden behind the legal entity they will avoid any personal link to the liability of the project providing no personal guarantees to banks by using what is called non-recourse finance.

This, in effect is the modus and era of the Invisible Property Developer.

How did we get to this. An invisible developer type and people having to jump to their death in a fire?

The Defects Dilemma a research initiative

There are many aspects to this and a deep history that has led to this endemic problem. See my article The Defects Dilemma which provides an historical view of the leading events; from the rise of private property developers, to non-recourse funding, the pre-sale agreement, design and construct delivery systems and private certification.

To solve the problem relies on a deeper understanding of this sector of the industry, its history and the increased scrutiny of developer vehicles that render the developer invisible. This however this is still just a start.

Dr Jonathan Drane

Read this article in pdf:


Dangerous Defects Chronology Apartment Towers

The Defects Dilemma. Solving dangerous defects in apartment towers

Expert Triage Solving Complex Construction Cases:

Dangerous Defects Chronology Apartment Towers

Expert Triage Solving Complex Construction Cases:

Contact Jonathan

Dr Jonathan Drane The City Whisperer, Smarter healthy cities, Property development theory, Night economy, city and property development processes, precinct activation, dead city areas, chronology of building defects, building defects history check, the defects dilemma, a decade of dangeorus defects, invisible property developer
Dr Jonathan Drane, the city whisperer

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Dr Jonathan Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is an independent researcher and advisor to government, corporate, legal  and academic sectors. He applies research methods to solve complex problems through project analysis in the commercial construction and development sector.

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A Teaching Framework for City Development Processes

Dr Jon Drane provided a framework for understanding City Development Processes and more recently updated this to include the concept of Place Economy and Property Development Dynamics. See youtube video below and his Faster Class offering for professional development in Property Development.

Advocating for Professionalisation of Property Development

The property development industry is experiencing the continued entry of untrained, non professional players. There are very low barriers to entry to the world of property development. The result has been the rise of poor quality buidings and the horrors of the past decade of dangerous defects.

Dr Drane is advocating for the creation of a doctorate in ‘city and property development processes’ that supports the improvement of professional recognition and credentialing of property developers. See our youtube video on A Decade of Dangerous Defects which includes the tragedies of the decade.

By Dr Jon Drane

Dr Jonathan Drane is a recognised writer, researcher, advisor and teacher in city and property development processes. He is an expert witness in complex construction and property development issues. Jonathan is also the editor of The City Whisperer which explores our growing cities and the results and malaise of growth.

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